Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Which Are the Most Popular Pets in the United States?

 Brian Kezer has a master's degree in computer science from George Washington University and a MA in national security policy studies from the Naval War College. For more than 15 years, he has worked as operations and program analyst. Outside of the office, Brian Kezer enjoys caring for dogs.

Thirty million-plus homes keep a cat as a pet in the United States, and nearly 50 million households have one dog or more. Fish rank third in popularity among pets after dogs and cats. They've become common pets since they're also simple to care for. More than a million US homes have fish. Fish owners claim they offer lovely décor to their rooms and are relaxing to observe while swimming. Freshwater fish are the most preferred because they're less expensive to maintain than saltwater fish.

Pet enthusiasts also have a particular fondness for birds, especially parrots and cockatiels. Most keep birds because they're entertaining and make for intriguing conversation starters. Other animals that rank in the top 10 of the most popular pets in the United States include rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, ferrets, and reptiles, especially well-liked by millennials.

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